Social Study

  • Sagar International at Social

Social Study

Social Studies impart basic knowledge concerned with the life of human beings in different types of natural/physical environment. Its study begins from the family and engulfs whole world.

Our series for primary level inspires young children to make the best use of the gifts of nature for the welfare of mankind.

Our series for elementary level deals with History, Geography and Civic life. Series highlight the social, economic and political issues concerning the whole world besides the geographical, historical and environmental aspects which affect human life.

180 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–I र 130.00
181 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–II र 145.00
182 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–III र 155.00
183 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–IV र 180.00
184 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–V र 180.00
JC22 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–VI र 198.00
JC23 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–VII र 220.00
JC24 Sagar Our Society and Our Environment–VIII र 228.00
JC22A र 108.00
JC23B र 112.00
JC24C र 118.00