General Knowledge

  • Sagar International at Social

General Knowledge & Moral Education

In this competitive world, children are expected to master ever increasing information.

Our series for primary level aims develop truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, affectionate, punctuality, hard working attitude and respect for elders.

Our series for elementary level contain comprehensive information, articles and well framed activities.

1115 Sagar Einstein Future Minds - 1 र 105.00
1116 Sagar Einstein Future Minds - 2 र 110.00
1117 Sagar Einstein Future Minds - 3 र 120.00
1118 Sagar Einstein Future Minds - 4 र 125.00
1119 Sagar Einstein Future Minds - 5 र 130.00
Interactive CD Available For Smart Class Learning
158 Sagar Value for life (A Text-Book of Moral Education)–I र 78.00
159 Sagar Value for life (A Text-Book of Moral Education)–II र 88.00
160 Sagar Value for life (A Text-Book of Moral Education)–III र 98.00
161 Sagar Value for life (A Text-Book of Moral Education)–IV र 108.00
162 Sagar Value for life (A Text-Book of Moral Education)–V र 118.00
119 Sagar Knowledge World (Introductory) र 78.00
120 Sagar Knowledge World– I र 98.00
121 Sagar Knowledge World– II र 118.00
122 Sagar Knowledge World– III र 140.00
123 Sagar Knowledge World– IV र 180.00
124 Sagar Knowledge World– V र 180.00
JC01 Sagar Knowledge World– VI र 120.00
JC01 Sagar Knowledge World– VII र 135.00
JC01 Sagar Knowledge World– VIII र 140.00
N093 Neetu Moral Education–I र 30.00
N094 Neetu Moral Education–II र 38.00
N095 Neetu Moral Education–III र 40.00
N096 Neetu Moral Education–IV र 52.00
N097 Neetu Moral Education–v र 56.00